Thursday, December 17, 2015

Irrevocable change

It's been far too long since I updated here, but tomorrow is a big day! The boys have been to visit in Fairbanks twice now, and tomorrow is MOVE IN DAY!

One week before Christmas, our most anticipated gifts will arrive on an early-morning flight. To be honest, excitement has been the main emotion in play for us, but we also know that joining our family means leaving another one (two, actually, if you count their bio family and their foster family). It also means a new lifestyle, new house, new school (we'll be schooling at home), new EVERYthing.

As adults, we adapt to change fairly easily. We have a pretty good idea of what to expect and how to cope with changes (even unexpected ones). But with only 8 and 11 years of experience, the boys have had a lot of hard life lessons that I hope none of you ever have to face. And then there are these two adults that they barely know who are now their primary caregivers.

Please pray for all of us. This is a wonderful, exciting and expected change - but the boys will eventually miss their old life, long to see the friends and family that live on the other side of a very large state, and I expect they will probably have a meltdown or two. I probably would, too. So this change will be bittersweet. But for now we'll dwell in the sweetness and happiness of our new family.

As Christmas draws near, remember the gift of family that YOU have. Remember the Savior that came for the sole purpose of dying on a cross to pay for our sins. His coming was bittersweet, too. I'm sure Joseph and Mary knew the Old Testament prophesies about the death the Savior would suffer, one that undoubtedly saddened them, perhaps even scared them. But like all new parents, in that moment when the baby is new and has finally arrived, they rejoiced. The Messiah had come, and his purpose was to seek and save those who are trapped in sin. What a beautiful picture, and what a wonderful Savior!

One little child changes everything! Merry Christmas!